{{ define "main" }}
{{ .Page.Content }}
{{ $cv_sections := where .Pages "Params.Widget" "cv"}} {{ range $ids, $item := sort $cv_sections ".Params.weight" "asc" }} {{ $items_len := len .Params.items }}

{{ .Title | markdownify }}

{{ range $idx, $key := .Params.items }}
{{- if .logo -}} {{- end -}}

{{ .title | markdownify }}{{- with .details }}{{ i18n "details" | default "Details" }}{{- end -}}

{{ with .subtitle }}
{{ . | markdownify }}
{{ end }} {{ with .description }}
{{ . | markdownify | emojify }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .date_start }} {{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }} {{/* < class="col-12 {{if eq $columns "2"}}col-lg-8{{end}}">

{{ .Title | markdownify }}

{{ range $idx, $key := .Params.experience }}
*/}} {{/*
{{ .title | markdownify }}
{{ (time .date_start) | time.Format (.Params.date_format | default "January 2006") }} − {{ if .date_end }} {{ (time .date_end) | time.Format (.Params.date_format | default "January 2006") }} {{ else }} {{ i18n "present" | default "Present" }} {{ end }} {{ with .location }} {{ . }} {{ end }}
{{ with .description}}
{{ . | markdownify | emojify }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }} */}}
{{ partial "sidebar.html" . }}
{{ end }}