-- Grab environment local io = io local os = os local table = table local type = type local ipairs = ipairs local pairs = pairs local Gtk = require("lgi").Gtk module("freedesktop.utils") terminal = 'xterm' icon_theme = nil gtk_icon_theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default() all_icon_sizes = { '128x128', '96x96', '72x72', '64x64', '48x48', '36x36', '32x32', '24x24', '22x22', '16x16' } all_icon_types = { 'apps', 'actions', 'devices', 'places', 'categories', 'status', 'mimetypes' } all_icon_paths = { os.getenv("HOME") .. '/.icons/', '/usr/share/icons/' } icon_sizes = {} local mime_types = {} function get_lines(...) local f = io.popen(...) return function () -- iterator local data = f:read() if data == nil then f:close() end return data end end function file_exists(filename) local file = io.open(filename, 'r') local result = (file ~= nil) if result then file:close() end return result end function lookup_icon(arg) if arg.icon:sub(1, 1) == '/' and (arg.icon:find('.+%.png') or arg.icon:find('.+%.xpm')) then -- icons with absolute path and supported (AFAICT) formats return arg.icon else local gtk_icon_info = Gtk.IconTheme.lookup_icon(gtk_icon_theme, arg.icon, 48, 0) if gtk_icon_info then filename = Gtk.IconInfo.get_filename(gtk_icon_info) if filename then return filename end end local icon_path = {} local icon_themes = {} local icon_theme_paths = {} if icon_theme and type(icon_theme) == 'table' then icon_themes = icon_theme elseif icon_theme then icon_themes = { icon_theme } end for i, theme in ipairs(icon_themes) do for j, path in ipairs(all_icon_paths) do table.insert(icon_theme_paths, path .. theme .. '/') end -- TODO also look in parent icon themes, as in freedesktop.org specification end table.insert(icon_theme_paths, '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/') -- fallback theme cf spec local isizes = icon_sizes for i, sz in ipairs(all_icon_sizes) do table.insert(isizes, sz) end for i, icon_theme_directory in ipairs(icon_theme_paths) do for j, size in ipairs(arg.icon_sizes or isizes) do for k, icon_type in ipairs(all_icon_types) do table.insert(icon_path, icon_theme_directory .. size .. '/' .. icon_type .. '/') end end end -- lowest priority fallbacks table.insert(icon_path, '/usr/share/pixmaps/') table.insert(icon_path, '/usr/share/icons/') table.insert(icon_path, '/usr/share/app-install/icons/') for i, directory in ipairs(icon_path) do if (arg.icon:find('.+%.png') or arg.icon:find('.+%.xpm')) and file_exists(directory .. arg.icon) then return directory .. arg.icon elseif file_exists(directory .. arg.icon .. '.png') then return directory .. arg.icon .. '.png' elseif file_exists(directory .. arg.icon .. '.xpm') then return directory .. arg.icon .. '.xpm' end end end end function lookup_file_icon(arg) load_mime_types() local extension = arg.filename:match('%a+$') local mime = mime_types[extension] or '' local mime_family = mime:match('^%a+') or '' -- possible icons in a typical gnome theme (i.e. Tango icons) local possible_filenames = { mime, 'gnome-mime-' .. mime, mime_family, 'gnome-mime-' .. mime_family, extension } for i, filename in ipairs(possible_filenames) do local icon = lookup_icon({icon = filename, icon_sizes = (arg.icon_sizes or all_icon_sizes)}) if icon then return icon end end -- If we don't find ad icon, then pretend is a plain text file return lookup_icon({ icon = 'txt', icon_sizes = arg.icon_sizes or all_icon_sizes }) end --- Load system MIME types -- @return A table with file extension <--> MIME type mapping function load_mime_types() if #mime_types == 0 then for line in io.lines('/etc/mime.types') do if not line:find('^#') then local parsed = {} for w in line:gmatch('[^%s]+') do table.insert(parsed, w) end if #parsed > 1 then for i = 2, #parsed do mime_types[parsed[i]] = parsed[1]:gsub('/', '-') end end end end end end --- Parse a .desktop file -- @param file The .desktop file -- @param requested_icon_sizes A list of icon sizes (optional). If this list is given, it will be used as a priority list for icon sizes when looking up for icons. If you want large icons, for example, you can put '128x128' as the first item in the list. -- @return A table with file entries. function parse_desktop_file(arg) local function check_nil(f, v) -- Almost the same as -- return f and f or v -- but it will return false if f = false if f == nil then return v else return f end end --- Parses .desktop file considering groups. -- @param file Path to file -- @return A table with group enries. Each group entry is table with file entries. local function parse_file(file) local result = {} local group = nil for line in io.lines(file) do group = line:match("^%[([^%[%]%c]+)%]") or group if group then result[group] = check_nil(result[group], {}) for key, value in line:gmatch("(%w+)=(.+)") do result[group][key] = value end end end return result end -- Using only 'Desktop Entry' group. local program = parse_file(arg.file)['Desktop Entry'] program.show = check_nil(program.show, true) program.file = arg.file -- Don't show the program if NoDisplay is true -- Only show the program if there is not OnlyShowIn attribute -- or if it's equal to 'awesome' if program.NoDisplay == "true" or program.OnlyShowIn ~= nil and program.OnlyShowIn ~= "awesome" then program.show = false end -- Look up for a icon. if program.Icon then program.icon_path = lookup_icon({ icon = program.Icon, icon_sizes = (arg.icon_sizes or all_icon_sizes) }) if program.icon_path ~= nil and not file_exists(program.icon_path) then program.icon_path = nil end end -- Split categories into a table. if program.Categories then program.categories = {} for category in program.Categories:gmatch('[^;]+') do table.insert(program.categories, category) end end if program.Exec then local cmdline = program.Exec:gsub('%%c', program.Name) cmdline = cmdline:gsub('%%[fmuFMU]', '') cmdline = cmdline:gsub('%%k', program.file) if program.icon_path then cmdline = cmdline:gsub('%%i', '--icon ' .. program.icon_path) else cmdline = cmdline:gsub('%%i', '') end if program.Terminal == "true" then cmdline = terminal .. ' -e ' .. cmdline end program.cmdline = cmdline end return program end --- Parse a directory with .desktop files -- @param dir The directory. -- @param icons_size, The icons sizes, optional. -- @return A table with all .desktop entries. function parse_desktop_files(arg) local programs = {} local files = get_lines('find '.. arg.dir ..' -name "*.desktop" 2>/dev/null') for file in files do arg.file = file table.insert(programs, parse_desktop_file(arg)) end return programs end --- Parse a directory files and subdirs -- @param dir The directory. -- @param icons_size, The icons sizes, optional. -- @return A table with all .desktop entries. function parse_dirs_and_files(arg) local files = {} local paths = get_lines('find '..arg.dir..' -maxdepth 1 -type d') for path in paths do if path:match("[^/]+$") then local file = {} file.filename = path:match("[^/]+$") file.path = path file.show = true file.icon = lookup_icon({ icon = "folder", icon_sizes = (arg.icon_sizes or all_icon_sizes) }) table.insert(files, file) end end local paths = get_lines('find '..arg.dir..' -maxdepth 1 -type f') for path in paths do if not path:find("%.desktop$") then local file = {} file.filename = path:match("[^/]+$") file.path = path file.show = true file.icon = lookup_file_icon({ filename = file.filename, icon_sizes = (arg.icon_sizes or all_icon_sizes) }) table.insert(files, file) end end return files end