local wibox = wibox local widget = widget local screen = screen local image = image local button = button local table = table local ipairs = ipairs local awful = require("awful") local utils = require("freedesktop.utils") local wibox = require("wibox") module("freedesktop.desktop") local current_pos = {} local iconsize = { width = 48, height = 48 } local labelsize = { width = 130, height = 20 } local margin = { x = 20, y = 20 } function add_icon(settings) local s = settings.screen if not current_pos[s] then current_pos[s] = { x = (screen[s].geometry.width - iconsize.width - margin.x), y = 40 } end local totheight = (settings.icon and iconsize.height or 0) + (settings.label and labelsize.height or 0) if totheight == 0 then return end if current_pos[s].y + totheight > screen[s].geometry.height - 40 then current_pos[s].x = current_pos[s].x - labelsize.width - iconsize.width - margin.x current_pos[s].y = 40 end if (settings.icon) then icon = awful.widget.button({ image = settings.icon }) local newbuttons = icon:buttons() table.insert(newbuttons, button({}, 1, nil, settings.click)); icon:buttons(newbuttons) icon_container = wibox({ position = "floating", screen = s, bg = "#00000000" }) icon_container.widgets = { icon } icon_container:geometry({ width = iconsize.width, height = iconsize.height, y = current_pos[s].y, x = current_pos[s].x }) icon_container.screen = s current_pos[s].y = current_pos[s].y + iconsize.height + 5 end if (settings.label) then caption = wibox.widget.textbox() caption.ellipsize = "middle" caption.text = settings.label caption:buttons({ button({ }, 1, settings.click) }) caption_container = wibox({ position = "floating", screen = s, bg = "#00000000" }) caption_container.widgets = { caption } caption_container:geometry({ width = labelsize.width, height = labelsize.height, y = current_pos[s].y, x = current_pos[s].x - labelsize.width + iconsize.width }) caption_container.screen = s end current_pos[s].y = current_pos[s].y + labelsize.height + margin.y end --- Adds subdirs and files icons to the desktop -- @param dir The directory to parse, (default is ~/Desktop) -- @param showlabels Shows icon captions (default is false) function add_applications_icons(arg) for i, program in ipairs(utils.parse_desktop_files({ dir = arg.dir or '~/Desktop/', icon_sizes = { iconsize.width .. "x" .. iconsize.height, "128x128", "96x96", "72x72", "64x64", "48x48", "36x36", "32x32", "24x24", "22x22", "16x6" } })) do if program.show then add_icon({ label = arg.showlabels and program.Name or nil, icon = program.icon_path, screen = arg.screen, click = function () awful.util.spawn(program.cmdline) end }) end end end --- Adds subdirs and files icons to the desktop -- @param dir The directory to parse -- @param showlabels Shows icon captions -- @param open_with The program to use to open clicked files and dirs (i.e. xdg_open, thunar, etc.) function add_dirs_and_files_icons(arg) arg.open_with = arg.open_width or 'thunar' for i, file in ipairs(utils.parse_dirs_and_files({ dir = arg.dir or '~/Desktop/', icon_sizes = { iconsize.width .. "x" .. iconsize.height, "128x128", "96x96", "72x72", "64x64", "48x48", "36x36", "32x32", "24x24", "22x22", "16x6" } })) do if file.show then add_icon({ label = arg.showlabels and file.filename or nil, icon = file.icon, screen = arg.screen, click = function () awful.util.spawn(arg.open_with .. ' ' .. file.path) end }) end end end function add_desktop_icons(args) add_applications_icons(args) add_dirs_and_files_icons(args) end