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mirror of https://github.com/lcpz/awesome-copycats.git synced 2024-12-22 19:22:32 +00:00

dremora: new cool calendar

This commit is contained in:
luke bonham 2013-07-16 18:46:46 +02:00
parent 83156996a4
commit b36aaf0307
2 changed files with 45 additions and 122 deletions

View file

@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ editor = os.getenv("EDITOR")
editor_cmd = terminal .. " -e " .. editor
gui_editor = "gvim"
browser = "dwb"
graphics = "gimp"
mail = terminal .. " -e mutt "
wifi = terminal .. " -e sudo wifi-menu "
musicplr = terminal .. " -g 130x34-320+16 -e ncmpcpp "
@ -151,6 +152,9 @@ mylauncher = awful.widget.launcher({ menu = mymainmenu })
-- Wibox
-- awful.util
local util = awful.util
-- Colours
coldef = "</span>"
white = "<span color='#d7d7d7'>"
@ -160,136 +164,54 @@ gray = "<span color='#9e9c9a'>"
mytextclock = awful.widget.textclock(white .. "%H:%M" .. coldef)
-- attached calendar
local os = os
local string = string
local table = table
local util = awful.util
char_width = nil
text_color = "#D0D0D0"
today_color = red_c
calendar_width = 21
local calendar = nil
local offset = 0
local data = nil
local function pop_spaces(s1, s2, maxsize)
local sps = ""
for i = 1, maxsize - string.len(s1) - string.len(s2) do
sps = sps .. " "
return s1 .. sps .. s2
local function create_calendar()
offset = offset or 0
local now = os.date("*t")
local cal_month = now.month + offset
local cal_year = now.year
if cal_month > 12 then
cal_month = (cal_month % 12)
cal_year = cal_year + 1
elseif cal_month < 1 then
cal_month = (cal_month + 12)
cal_year = cal_year - 1
local last_day = os.date("%d", os.time({ day = 1, year = cal_year,
month = cal_month + 1}) - 86400)
local first_day = os.time({ day = 1, month = cal_month, year = cal_year})
local first_day_in_week = os.date("%w", first_day)
local result = "do lu ma me gi ve sa\n" -- days of the week
-- Italian localization
-- can be a stub for your own localization
if language:find("it_IT") == nil
result = "su mo tu we th fr sa\n"
result = "do lu ma me gi ve sa\n"
for i = 1, first_day_in_week do
result = result .. " "
local this_month = false
for day = 1, last_day do
local last_in_week = (day + first_day_in_week) % 7 == 0
local day_str = pop_spaces("", day, 2) .. (last_in_week and "" or " ")
if cal_month == now.month and cal_year == now.year and day == now.day then
this_month = true
result = result ..
string.format('<span underline="single" weight="bold" foreground = "%s">%s</span>',
today_color, day_str)
result = result .. day_str
if last_in_week and day ~= last_day then
result = result .. "\n"
local header
if this_month then
header = os.date("%a, %d %b %Y")
header = os.date("%B %Y", first_day)
return header, string.format('<span font="%s" foreground="%s">%s</span>',
theme.font, text_color, result)
local function calculate_char_width()
return beautiful.get_font_height(theme.font) * 0.555
function remove_calendar()
if calendar ~= nil then
calendar = nil
offset = 0
function add_calendar(inc_offset)
inc_offset = inc_offset or 0
local save_offset = offset
function show_calendar(inc_offset, t_out)
offset = save_offset + inc_offset
local c_text
local char_width = char_width or calculate_char_width()
local header, cal_text = create_calendar()
calendar = naughty.notify({ title = header,
text = cal_text,
timeout = 0, hover_timeout = 0.5,
if inc_offset == 0 or offset ~= 0 then
local f = io.popen('/usr/bin/cal | sed -r -e "s/(^| )(`date +\\"%d\\"`)($| )/\\1<b><span foreground=\\"#121212\\" background=\\"#D7D7D7\\">\\2<\\/span><\\/b>\\3/"',"r")
c_text = "<tt><span weight='bold' font='Tamsyn 12'>" .. f:read() .. "</span>\n\n<span font='Tamsyn 12'>" .. f:read() .. "\n" .. f:read("*all") .. "</span></tt>"
offset = 0
local month = os.date('%m')
local year = os.date('%Y')
offset = offset + inc_offset
if month == '12' and inc_offset == 1 then
month = 1
year = year + 1
elseif month == '1' and inc_offset == -1 then
month = 12
year = year - 1
else month = month + offset
f = io.popen('/usr/bin/cal ' .. month .. ' ' .. year ,"r")
c_text = "<tt><span weight='bold' font='Tamsyn 12'>" .. f:read() .. "</span>\n\n<span font='Tamsyn 12'>" .. f:read() .. "\n" .. f:read("*all") .. "</span></tt>"
calendar = naughty.notify({ text = c_text,
fg = "#D0D0D0",
bg = "#121212"
bg = "#121212",
timeout = t_out
function show_calendar(t_out)
local char_width = char_width or calculate_char_width()
local header, cal_text = create_calendar()
calendar = naughty.notify({ title = header,
text = cal_text,
timeout = t_out,
fg = "#D0D0D0",
bg = "#121212"
mytextclock:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function() add_calendar(0) end)
mytextclock:connect_signal("mouse::leave", remove_calendar)
mytextclock:buttons(util.table.join( awful.button({ }, 1, function() add_calendar(-1) end),
awful.button({ }, 3, function() add_calendar(1) end)))
mytextclock:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function() show_calendar(0, 0) end)
mytextclock:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function() remove_calendar() end)
mytextclock:buttons(util.table.join( awful.button({ }, 1, function() show_calendar(-1, 0) end),
awful.button({ }, 3, function() show_calendar(1, 0) end)))
-- GMail widget
mygmail = wibox.widget.textbox()
@ -717,7 +639,7 @@ globalkeys = awful.util.table.join(
awful.key({ modkey, }, "z", function () scratch.drop(terminal) end),
-- Widgets popups
awful.key({ altkey, }, "c", function () show_calendar(7) end),
awful.key({ altkey, }, "c", function () show_calendar(0, 7) end),
awful.key({ altkey, }, "h", function ()
vicious.force({ fshwidget })
@ -765,8 +687,9 @@ globalkeys = awful.util.table.join(
awful.key({ modkey }, "c", function () os.execute("xsel -p -o | xsel -i -b") end),
-- User programs
awful.key({ modkey }, "q", function () awful.util.spawn( "dwb", false ) end),
awful.key({ modkey }, "q", function () awful.util.spawn(browser) end),
awful.key({ modkey }, "s", function () awful.util.spawn(gui_editor) end),
awful.key({ modkey }, "g", function () awful.util.spawn(graphics) end),
-- Prompt
awful.key({ modkey }, "r", function () mypromptbox[mouse.screen]:run() end),

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
--[[ ]]--
-- -
-- Dremora Awesome WM 3.5.+ theme --
-- github.com/copycat-killer --
-- -
--[[ ]]--
--[[ ]]--
-- -
-- Dremora Awesome WM 3.5.+ theme --
-- github.com/copycat-killer --
-- -
--[[ ]]--
theme = {}