mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 11:12:31 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -143,12 +143,14 @@ Notes
Complements are provided by lain_ and freedesktop_. **Be sure** to satisfy their dependencies.
Fonts are Terminus_ (Multicolor, Powerarrow, Powerarrow Dark), Roboto_ (Holo, Vertex) and Tamsyn_ (other ones).
Every theme has a colorscheme_.
The fonts used in the screenshots are: Terminus_ (Multicolor, Powerarrow, Powerarrow Dark), Roboto_ (Holo, Vertex) and Tamsyn_ (other ones).
As taglist font, Blackburn and Dremora use Icons_, Vertex uses FontAwesome_: be sure to have bitmaps enabled if running under Debian or Ubuntu_.
Due the removal of support for bitmap fonts in Pango 1.44_, the current main font is Terminus (OTB version). Under Arch Linux, use ``community/terminus-font-otb``.
Every theme has a colorscheme_.
You can also configure the ``city_id`` in the following snippet in ``/.config/awesome/themes/<<CHOSEN_THEME>>/theme.lua`` to get the correct weather information (we suggest doing it in your ``theme-personal.lua``):
.. code-block::
@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ You can also configure the ``city_id`` in the following snippet in ``/.config/aw
local weathericon = wibox.widget.imagebox(theme.widget_weather)
theme.weather = lain.widget.weather({
city_id = 2643743, -- placeholder (London)
notification_preset = { font = "xos4 Terminus 10", fg = theme.fg_normal },
notification_preset = { font = "Terminus 10", fg = theme.fg_normal },
weather_na_markup = markup.fontfg(theme.font, "#eca4c4", "N/A "),
settings = function()
descr = weather_now["weather"][1]["description"]:lower()
@ -170,7 +172,7 @@ You can find your ``city_id`` in city.list.json.gz_ after you extract it.
Additional default software used: ::
unclutter firefox scrot mpd mpc dmenu xsel slock
dmenu firefox mpc mpd scrot unclutter xsel slock
.. _BY-NC-SA: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0
.. _b0ab0d7: https://github.com/lcpz/awesome-copycats/tree/b0ab0d7837987be81b9195a36631df773113d491
@ -193,3 +195,4 @@ Additional default software used: ::
.. _FontAwesome: https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome
.. _branches: https://github.com/lcpz/awesome-copycats/branches
.. _city.list.json.gz: http://bulk.openweathermap.org/sample/city.list.json.gz
.. _1.44: https://github.com/lcpz/awesome-copycats/issues/269
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ local my_table = awful.util.table or gears.table -- 4.{0,1} compatibility
local theme = {}
theme.dir = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.config/awesome/themes/blackburn"
theme.wallpaper = theme.dir .. "/wall.png"
theme.font = "Misc Tamsyn 10.5"
theme.font = "Terminus 10.5"
theme.taglist_font = "Icons 10"
theme.fg_normal = "#D7D7D7"
theme.fg_focus = "#F6784F"
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ mytextclock.font = theme.font
theme.cal = lain.widget.cal({
attach_to = { mytextclock },
notification_preset = {
font = "Misc Tamsyn 11",
font = "Terminus 11",
fg = theme.fg_normal,
bg = theme.bg_normal
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ theme.mpd = lain.widget.mpd({
-- /home fs
--[[ commented because it needs Gio/Glib >= 2.54
theme.fs = lain.widget.fs({
notification_preset = { fg = white, bg = theme.bg_normal, font = "Misc Tamsyn 10.5" },
notification_preset = { fg = white, bg = theme.bg_normal, font = "Terminus 10.5" },
settings = function()
fs_header = ""
fs_p = ""
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ theme.weather = lain.widget.weather({
-- Separators
local first = wibox.widget.textbox('<span font="Misc Tamsyn 4"> </span>')
local first = wibox.widget.textbox('<span font="Terminus 4"> </span>')
local arrl_pre = separators.arrow_right("alpha", "#1A1A1A")
local arrl_post = separators.arrow_right("#1A1A1A", "alpha")
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ local my_table = awful.util.table or gears.table -- 4.{0,1} compatibility
local theme = {}
theme.dir = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.config/awesome/themes/copland"
theme.wallpaper = theme.dir .. "/wall.png"
theme.font = "Misc Tamsyn 10.5"
theme.font = "Terminus 10.5"
theme.fg_normal = "#BBBBBB"
theme.fg_focus = "#78A4FF"
theme.bg_normal = "#111111"
@ -95,14 +95,14 @@ local green = "#8FEB8F"
-- Textclock
--os.setlocale(os.getenv("LANG")) -- to localize the clock
local mytextclock = wibox.widget.textclock("<span font='Misc Tamsyn 5'> </span>%H:%M ")
local mytextclock = wibox.widget.textclock("<span font='Terminus 5'> </span>%H:%M ")
mytextclock.font = theme.font
-- Calendar
theme.cal = lain.widget.cal({
attach_to = { mytextclock },
notification_preset = {
font = "Misc Tamsyn 11",
font = "Terminus 11",
fg = theme.fg_normal,
bg = theme.bg_normal
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ theme.mail = lain.widget.imap({
count = ""
if mailcount > 0 then
mail = "<span font='Misc Tamsyn 5'> </span>Mail "
mail = "<span font='Terminus 5'> </span>Mail "
count = mailcount .. " "
@ -135,11 +135,11 @@ theme.mpd = lain.widget.mpd({
settings = function()
if mpd_now.state == "play" then
title = mpd_now.title
artist = " " .. mpd_now.artist .. markup("#777777", " <span font='Misc Tamsyn 2'> </span>|<span font='Misc Tamsyn 5'> </span>")
artist = " " .. mpd_now.artist .. markup("#777777", " <span font='Terminus 2'> </span>|<span font='Terminus 5'> </span>")
elseif mpd_now.state == "pause" then
title = "mpd "
artist = "paused" .. markup("#777777", " |<span font='Misc Tamsyn 5'> </span>")
artist = "paused" .. markup("#777777", " |<span font='Terminus 5'> </span>")
title = ""
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ local fsbar = wibox.widget {
widget = wibox.widget.progressbar,
theme.fs = lain.widget.fs {
notification_preset = { fg = theme.fg_normal, bg = theme.bg_normal, font = "Misc Tamsyn 10.5" },
notification_preset = { fg = theme.fg_normal, bg = theme.bg_normal, font = "Terminus 10.5" },
settings = function()
if fs_now["/home"].percentage < 90 then
@ -284,10 +284,10 @@ theme.weather = lain.widget.weather({
-- Separators
local first = wibox.widget.textbox(markup.font("Misc Tamsyn 3", " "))
local first = wibox.widget.textbox(markup.font("Terminus 3", " "))
local spr = wibox.widget.textbox(' ')
local small_spr = wibox.widget.textbox(markup.font("Misc Tamsyn 4", " "))
local bar_spr = wibox.widget.textbox(markup.font("Misc Tamsyn 3", " ") .. markup.fontfg(theme.font, "#777777", "|") .. markup.font("Misc Tamsyn 5", " "))
local small_spr = wibox.widget.textbox(markup.font("Terminus 4", " "))
local bar_spr = wibox.widget.textbox(markup.font("Terminus 3", " ") .. markup.fontfg(theme.font, "#777777", "|") .. markup.font("Terminus 5", " "))
-- Eminent-like task filtering
local orig_filter = awful.widget.taglist.filter.all
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ local my_table = awful.util.table or gears.table -- 4.{0,1} compatibility
local theme = {}
theme.dir = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.config/awesome/themes/dremora"
theme.wallpaper = theme.dir .. "/wall.png"
theme.font = "Misc Tamsyn 10.5"
theme.font = "Terminus 10.5"
theme.taglist_font = "Icons 10"
theme.fg_normal = "#747474"
theme.fg_focus = "#DDDCFF"
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ mytextclock.font = theme.font
theme.cal = lain.widget.cal({
attach_to = { mytextclock },
notification_preset = {
font = "Misc Tamsyn 11",
font = "Terminus 11",
fg = white,
bg = theme.bg_normal
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ theme.mpd = lain.widget.mpd({
-- /home fs
--[[ commented because it needs Gio/Glib >= 2.54
theme.fs = lain.widget.fs({
notification_preset = { fg = white, bg = theme.bg_normal, font = "Misc Tamsyn 10.5" },
notification_preset = { fg = white, bg = theme.bg_normal, font = "Terminus 10.5" },
settings = function()
fs_header = ""
fs_p = ""
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ theme.weather = lain.widget.weather({
-- Separators
local first = wibox.widget.textbox('<span font="Misc Tamsyn 4"> </span>')
local first = wibox.widget.textbox('<span font="Terminus 4"> </span>')
local arrl_pre = separators.arrow_right("alpha", "#1A1A1A")
local arrl_post = separators.arrow_right("#1A1A1A", "alpha")
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ local my_table = awful.util.table or gears.table -- 4.{0,1} compatibility
local theme = {}
theme.confdir = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.config/awesome/themes/multicolor"
theme.wallpaper = theme.confdir .. "/wall.png"
theme.font = "xos4 Terminus 8"
theme.font = "Terminus 8"
theme.menu_bg_normal = "#000000"
theme.menu_bg_focus = "#000000"
theme.bg_normal = "#000000"
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ mytextclock.font = theme.font
theme.cal = lain.widget.cal({
attach_to = { mytextclock },
notification_preset = {
font = "xos4 Terminus 10",
font = "Terminus 10",
fg = theme.fg_normal,
bg = theme.bg_normal
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ theme.cal = lain.widget.cal({
local weathericon = wibox.widget.imagebox(theme.widget_weather)
theme.weather = lain.widget.weather({
city_id = 2643743, -- placeholder (London)
notification_preset = { font = "xos4 Terminus 10", fg = theme.fg_normal },
notification_preset = { font = "Terminus 10", fg = theme.fg_normal },
weather_na_markup = markup.fontfg(theme.font, "#eca4c4", "N/A "),
settings = function()
descr = weather_now["weather"][1]["description"]:lower()
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ theme.weather = lain.widget.weather({
--[[ commented because it needs Gio/Glib >= 2.54
local fsicon = wibox.widget.imagebox(theme.widget_fs)
theme.fs = lain.widget.fs({
notification_preset = { font = "xos4 Terminus 10", fg = theme.fg_normal },
notification_preset = { font = "Terminus 10", fg = theme.fg_normal },
settings = function()
widget:set_markup(markup.fontfg(theme.font, "#80d9d8", string.format("%.1f", fs_now["/"].used) .. "% "))
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ local my_table = awful.util.table or gears.table -- 4.{0,1} compatibility
local theme = {}
theme.dir = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.config/awesome/themes/powerarrow-dark"
theme.wallpaper = theme.dir .. "/wall.png"
theme.font = "xos4 Terminus 9"
theme.font = "Terminus 9"
theme.fg_normal = "#DDDDFF"
theme.fg_focus = "#EA6F81"
theme.fg_urgent = "#CC9393"
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ local clock = awful.widget.watch(
theme.cal = lain.widget.cal({
attach_to = { clock },
notification_preset = {
font = "xos4 Terminus 10",
font = "Terminus 10",
fg = theme.fg_normal,
bg = theme.bg_normal
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ local temp = lain.widget.temp({
local fsicon = wibox.widget.imagebox(theme.widget_hdd)
--[[ commented because it needs Gio/Glib >= 2.54
theme.fs = lain.widget.fs({
notification_preset = { fg = theme.fg_normal, bg = theme.bg_normal, font = "xos4 Terminus 10" },
notification_preset = { fg = theme.fg_normal, bg = theme.bg_normal, font = "Terminus 10" },
settings = function()
widget:set_markup(markup.font(theme.font, " " .. fs_now["/"].percentage .. "% "))
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ local my_table = awful.util.table or gears.table -- 4.{0,1} compatibility
local theme = {}
theme.dir = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.config/awesome/themes/powerarrow"
theme.wallpaper = theme.dir .. "/wall.png"
theme.font = "xos4 Terminus 9"
theme.font = "Terminus 9"
theme.fg_normal = "#FEFEFE"
theme.fg_focus = "#32D6FF"
theme.fg_urgent = "#C83F11"
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ theme.cal = lain.widget.cal({
--cal = "cal --color=always",
attach_to = { binclock.widget },
notification_preset = {
font = "xos4 Terminus 10",
font = "Terminus 10",
fg = theme.fg_normal,
bg = theme.bg_normal
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ theme.mail = lain.widget.imap({
-- ALSA volume
theme.volume = lain.widget.alsabar({
--togglechannel = "IEC958,3",
notification_preset = { font = "xos4 Terminus 10", fg = theme.fg_normal },
notification_preset = { font = "Terminus 10", fg = theme.fg_normal },
-- MPD
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ local tempicon = wibox.widget.imagebox(theme.widget_temp)
local fsicon = wibox.widget.imagebox(theme.widget_hdd)
--[[ commented because it needs Gio/Glib >= 2.54
theme.fs = lain.widget.fs({
notification_preset = { fg = theme.fg_normal, bg = theme.bg_normal, font = "xos4 Terminus 10" },
notification_preset = { fg = theme.fg_normal, bg = theme.bg_normal, font = "Terminus 10" },
settings = function()
local fsp = string.format(" %3.2f %s ", fs_now["/"].free, fs_now["/"].units)
widget:set_markup(markup.font(theme.font, fsp))
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ local theme = {}
theme.default_dir = require("awful.util").get_themes_dir() .. "default"
theme.dir = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.config/awesome/themes/rainbow"
theme.wallpaper = theme.dir .. "/wall.png"
theme.font = "Misc Tamsyn 10.5"
theme.font = "Terminus 10.5"
theme.fg_normal = "#9E9E9E"
theme.fg_focus = "#EBEBFF"
theme.bg_normal = "#242424"
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ mytextclock.font = theme.font
theme.cal = lain.widget.cal({
attach_to = { mytextclock },
notification_preset = {
font = "Misc Tamsyn 11",
font = "Terminus 11",
fg = white,
bg = theme.bg_normal
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ theme.mpd = lain.widget.mpd({
-- /home fs
--[[ commented because it needs Gio/Glib >= 2.54
theme.fs = lain.widget.fs({
notification_preset = { fg = white, bg = theme.bg_normal, font = "Misc Tamsyn 10.5" },
notification_preset = { fg = white, bg = theme.bg_normal, font = "Terminus 10.5" },
settings = function()
local fs_header, fs_p = "", ""
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ theme.weather = lain.widget.weather({
-- Separators
local first = wibox.widget.textbox(markup.font("Misc Tamsyn 4", " "))
local first = wibox.widget.textbox(markup.font("Terminus 4", " "))
local spr = wibox.widget.textbox(' ')
local function update_txt_layoutbox(s)
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ local theme = {}
theme.zenburn_dir = require("awful.util").get_themes_dir() .. "zenburn"
theme.dir = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.config/awesome/themes/steamburn"
theme.wallpaper = theme.dir .. "/wall.png"
theme.font = "Misc Tamsyn 10.5"
theme.font = "Terminus 10.5"
theme.fg_normal = "#e2ccb0"
theme.fg_focus = "#d88166"
theme.fg_urgent = "#CC9393"
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ mytextclock.font = theme.font
theme.cal = lain.widget.cal({
attach_to = { mytextclock },
notification_preset = {
font = "Misc Tamsyn 11",
font = "Terminus 11",
fg = theme.fg_normal,
bg = theme.bg_normal
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ local mem = lain.widget.mem({
--[[ commented because it needs Gio/Glib >= 2.54
theme.fs = lain.widget.fs({
partition = "/home",
notification_preset = { fg = theme.fg_normal, bg = theme.bg_normal, font = "Misc Tamsyn 10.5" },
notification_preset = { fg = theme.fg_normal, bg = theme.bg_normal, font = "Terminus 10.5" },
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ theme.weather = lain.widget.weather({
-- Separators
local first = wibox.widget.textbox(markup.font("Misc Tamsyn 4", " "))
local first = wibox.widget.textbox(markup.font("Terminus 4", " "))
local spr = wibox.widget.textbox(' ')
local function update_txt_layoutbox(s)
Reference in a new issue